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The Importance of Base Steels


Base steels are critical in ensuring compliance with BS EN 13280 tolerance requirements. Buying base steels upfront can significantly reduce abortive site visits and, in turn, offer substantial financial benefits.

How do Base Steels meet British Standard Tolerance Requirements?

BS EN 13280, a European standard that governs the design and construction of water tanks, imposes strict tolerance requirements. Base steels play an important role in achieving these requirements. Adhering to these standards not only ensures you are compliant with relevant standards but they ensure your water storage tank has an extended lifespan.

The tolerance requirements detailed in BS EN 13280 state that:

‘The top surface of the foundation, whether it is flat screed concrete, steelwork, support walls or pillars, should be flat, level and free from any local irregularities. It should not vary more than 2mm in any 1m or a total of 6mm in any 6m, measured laterally or diagonally. Intermittent supports should be spaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and should be continuous in one direction.

If foundations are to be provided by suspended floors or beams, the foundation should be constructed so that when the tank is full, the combined deflections should not exceed 1/500th of the span.’

Importance of Purchasing Base Steels Upfront

Base steels for GRP water storage tanks are mainly used to support the tank. As a means to provide structural support to the water storage tank, base steels form the framework of the tank, helping to maintain its shape and stability and for load-bearing purposes. It is also vital to maintain the correct weight distribution and manage the load-bearing capabilities of your water storage tank.

Purchasing base steels upfront is worthwhile for several reasons outside of complying with BS EN 13280 tolerance requirements:

  1. Corrosion Resistance: Water storage tanks are constantly exposed to moisture, which can result in corrosion over time. Base steels are usually coated in corrosion-resistant material for long-term use due to the protective barrier that stops rust from forming on the base steel. A key benefit is that the water tank will remain structurally sound for a long time. At Tricel Lanark we offer galvanised base steels to help prevent early corrosion of the steel works.
  1. Structural Integrity: Water tanks need to withstand the pressure exerted by the water they hold, and they should be able to maintain their shape when filled to full capacity. Base steels provide the necessary structural integrity, ensuring the water tank’s dimensions remain within specified tolerances. This is vital to prevent leaks, structural failures, and costly repairs down the line.
  1. Load-Bearing Capacity: Water tanks must support their weight and the weight of the stored water. Base steels with adequate load-bearing capacity ensure the tank’s long-term safety.

Purchasing base steels upfront should be a top consideration. It will give the customer and site crews peace of mind and confidence in the structural integrity of the water storage tank. The short-term savings competitors may offer by not including base steels in their quotes are not worth it in the long term as this can potentially cause significant delays when the project gets underway.


illustration of base steels

Aborted Site Visits Due to Poor Base Construction

Over the years, we have concluded that a large number of aborted site visits were a result of poor base constructions that did not meet tolerance requirements. Aborted site visits cause inconvenience and delays, and our client can incur additional costs.

Our experienced site crews can highlight potential issues, including insufficient tank support, an imbalance with the tank weight, inadequate load-bearing capacity, or signs of damage to the tank due to poor base construction. If our site crews identify such issues, this can result in an aborted site visit because further assessments and corrective measures would need to be taken. This process is time-consuming for both our clients and the site crews involved.

Implications of Aborted Site Visits

The implications of aborted visits depend on various factors, such as the nature of the site visit and the size and complexity of the project. However, here are some potential cost considerations related to aborted site visits in our projects:

  • Lost time and Productivity
  • Rescheduling and Coordination
  • Travel and Logistics

Investing in base steels upfront can help avoid costly site visits and repairs caused by non-compliance with BS EN 13280. Abortive site visits, often necessary to rectify mistakes or non-compliance issues, can result in substantial extra expenses and project delays.


Our mission: To help you find the most cost-effective solution for your water storage requirements.

Why work with us?

Over 50 years’ industry experience

Projects completed in the last 24 months

Tricel Lanark is a UK GRP Water Storage Tank Manufacturer with a proven track record in the supply of water tanks to all industry sectors throughout the UK. We have an expert team on hand with over 50 Years’ industry experience. Our team works hard to provide exceptional industry lead times from quotes, site visits, order processing, and delivery. We are a British Standard approved company with full certification through BSI/ISO9001 including WRAS approved certified products for potable drinking water.

  • Over 50 years of technical knowledge
  • Quality assurance at a local level
  • UK customer support teams, backup, replacement service & advice
  • Supporting local and sustaining UK manufacturing
  • Regional sales representatives for site visits, emergency water requirements, and project advice

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